Tuesday, February 19, 2013

God's Timing

The past year of my life has reflected to goodness of God. Back in the summer of 2012 I started praying that God will provide me a mission opportunity as my teaching job at the time was closing due to lack of students. I started applying for jobs with the prayer "God show me Your will". After months of praying and applying for jobs several mission opportunities opened up as a test from God to see if I wad willing to leave my comfort zone. In January 2013 I was looking at a career web page and saw a need for a preschool teacher in Lima, Peru. After praying over it I felt the Lord saying to submit my resume. God has opened the door for me to travel to Lima, Peru and to teach K4 at La Molina Christian School. I am excited for this opportunity to grow and to serve the Lord. This process of waiting on the Lord has definitely taught me patience and to accept that God knows your need and that He has something better in mind for every individual. The verse that has been a help to me is Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you."