Saturday, March 16, 2013

Two weeks done!

I have been in Lima for about two weeks and have loved every moment of it. The weather here is nice cause it never changes so you always know what to expect. I have recently experienced the routine stomach issues adjusting to a new culture and foods and hopefully I am over that cause it is not fun. School is interesting at this point, the kids are slowly learning that if they speak in Spanish I will not help them cause I have no clue what they are saying. I am working on a few key phases that I can pull out when they are not listening to me in English, so far I have go, sit, stay, no, yes, stop, listen, and quiet in Spanish down pat. The kids are funny when I speak in Spanish cause they get this very scared look on their face as of if they are thinking "wait you just spoke in Spanish, we are in trouble". The church that I have been attending as a translation device so that is good for people coming who know none to little Spanish. However this week I was on sermons audio and fount my church in Greenville, Suber Road Baptist Church, on there so I have been listening to messages in the afternoons to just stay in the word and be encouraged. Thank you all for praying I appreciate it and feel the prayers on hard days.

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