Friday, April 26, 2013

Not what i had in mind but God is good!

So this week has not been a normal week for me. Monday was normal; I went to school and did everything normal. Throughout the day, I started to notice that my knee started to hurt, but I just ignored it and went right on with my activities. Tuesday morning as I was getting ready for school I noticed that my knee still was hurting, and a tad swollen. No big deal probably just strained it from picking up a child and having to kneel down a lot. Did not know anything was wrong, and went into school and started my day normal, however, by the afternoon my knee was hurting a lot, and I couldn't put pressure on it.

So Tuesday when the kids left, and I noticed my knee was still hurting I decided I could tough it out until 4:10 and then go back home and ice and take some Advil. After my lunch break, I was trying to find a good wireless connection to print off some papers. In the process, I knelt down to look at the process when something in my left knee popped and when it popped I fell backwards grabbing my knee and crying out in pain. Here in Lima you go to the doctor for everything even if it doesn't seem to be a big deal. The school nurse looked at my knee, by this time my knee and toes were swollen, and gave me some Panadol (Spanish for Tylenol) and ice pack. We were trying to figure out who would go with me since my Spanish is still in the beginner stage.

Finally, we made it to the Clinica(Spanish for hospital) and the doctor came in right away. In the states, you will be waiting for hours. Here in Lima I think we waited maybe 5 minutes. The doctor did some test and gave me some prescription and told me to go across the street to get x-ray. The doctor is sure that I damaged the cartilage in my knee, and he has ordered me to rest for 3-5 days.

This is not what I had planned especially since next week is report cards and I have to evaluate my students and next Friday is our mothers day program. But I keep on telling myself that God is good, and He knew his would happen and that this was part of His plan. In Bible, the kids are learning Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength a very present help in time of trouble." Who knew that I needed that verse this week.

As of today my knee is still throbbing with pain but it is now a tolerable pain, and I have changed from bed rest to couch rest to have a change of scenery. I still haven't gotten the results back from the x-ray but hopefully, today I will hear back from them.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Praying for you Ally! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing how God is working in your life.