Monday, February 10, 2020

Same Blog but New Direction

It has been pretty crazy these last few years since I have written on this blog. I am still keeping the blog however it is taking a new direction. For the time being I'll keep the title of the blog "My Journey Through Life" as it will be my journey, in the future it might change.

This blog is designed to just write what is going on with my life, and will also focus a lot with my daughter who was born with a rare condition. I'll use this blog as tips and recommending things that I have found is helpful raising my daughter with her condition. I'll explain her condition in another post later on this week.

I hope you will read and share and enjoy my blog!!!!! I'm excited about expanding and hopefully can start doing this full time!

Friday, March 14, 2014

What Is New?

A lot has happened since I last posted on here. I apologize that I have not updated sooner, but so much has happened. So without further ado I will just jump right in.

First things first, praise God I did not need to have surgery on my knee. I went to see my doctor as soon as I got back to the States, and he looked at my MRI and said that there was no tear on the meniscus but it was nicked. After being on strong pain medicines and physical therapy exercises and a brace, I am now 5 months(almost 6) pain free and no brace needed for all activities(triple yea).

Secondly I landed a part time job at a local Christian school (the principal had kept my résumé for some years and emailed me out of the blue). I love the children and the workers, even if it is the main rival of my high school. Having the two schools compete gets a bit interesting at times but I always win!!!

On an interesting note I joined Krav Maga, which is Israel's martial arts. It has helped strengthen the knee and the asthma. I have not had a chance to move up to the next belt because I have been sick all winter long. Hopefully I can continue starting in April and join the black belt program! A blond girl with a black belt would be so cool and so unexpected!

I have successfully caught out up with my life. I am enjoying the time back in the States, but can not wait to go back to Peru and serve God. Always keep smiling and singing even when it seems impossible.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

It has been awhîle

I am sorry it has been awhile since I posted a new blog entry. This next week is the last week of 2nd quarter at school. This quarter was packed full of activities(Mothers day, Fathers day, Peru flag day, United States independence day, and finally Peru independence day). So many activities and projects to do with the children alongside of teaching the normal subjects.

July 4th was different this year. Yes, I was outside United States and got to look back and see how great it is to be an American. There are so many advantages that we have in the States, and other people are dreaming about. I spent July 4th teaching the children all about America, and some of the Peruvians had special goodies for all of us American personal. At the beginning of the day, all the elementary students gathered outside with all the American personal to pledge and sing the national anthem to our flag. It was very emotional hearing and getting to sing the anthem.

July 4th the school also celebrated teacher's day, which technically is today July 6th. The students brought in gifts for their teachers and made all the teachers feel special. I got several presents from my students and am enjoying them(especially the chocolate).

It is amazing to see God work in my life here in Lima. In the States, I was too independent for Gods help. Here in Lima I rely on God in daily, no an hourly basis. I am reaching out to Him when I am just frustrated in little things( i.e. learning the language).

Spanish is coming slowly, but I can now fake my way around situations. I can confidently take a bus to church by myself and can ask a taxi how much they charge to go somewhere. It is rather interesting getting ready for phonics class in my classroom because as I am learning the Spanish phonics sometimes I say the Spanish phonics or think it while saying the American phonics. It gets rather confusing at times when I can not remember which phonics sounds to use.

I am enjoying the cooler weather in the winter season, and have figured out that winter here means a wet humidity which for people with asthma means trips to the clinic to get a breathing treatment. Thankfully I haven't had asthma problems in two weeks so hopefully,that means I am getting used to the wet, humid weather.

Just a quick update with how I am doing. Thanks for praying for me and I will try to be better at the updating.:-)

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Quick post :-)

I can not believe it is June already! Sometimes it does not seem real that I am here in Lima teaching and that it is just a dream. My adorable four year olds are learning, and we have fun each and every day.

I have been evaluating them every two weeks on numbers and phonics and am pleased with the progress each one of them are making each time :-)

This past week one of the teachers had some visitors come to Lima for the first time, and on Friday night we got to take them to Jockey Plaza,which is the mall here and hang out with them. It was encouraging to be able to ministry to some visitors, and I discovered that I was able to help order for them and give them a mini lesson in Spanish.

Also, this past weekend was the yearly yard sale at the missionary school that is close to ours. All of us missionaries went, and we were able to get in an hour before everyone else and look through everything. I bought 10 books, a watch, some games and movies and items for my classroom.

The weeks are flying by, and I am enjoying myself here so much. I am truly enjoying the Peruvian food(rice and chicken mainly) :-)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

First experiences :-)

The weather is changing from summer to winter, as I look outside there is not a speck of sunshine. I have found out that the Peruvians wear jackets and bundle up when the temperatures get under 70.

This week I have learned several new phrases in Spanish and have learned how to ask taxi drivers how much it would cost to go to the location. Also, this week I have eaten at the local burger restaurant called Bembos. Their burgers and fries are so good, and their ice cream is incredible.

Last week we had no school, but that did not mean that the teachers slept a lot that week. We were still at school setting up our classroom and working on lesson plans for the quarter. I am enjoying teaching four-year old class and have discovered new ways of teaching and love each day with the children.

Next week the kids will put on their music play for their parents on Thursday. They have learned 4 songs and will be dressed up in costumes(the songs are Hickory Dickory Dock, Let Us Go To the Zoo, I Have A Pet, and Yes I Can).

This week we had a mission team from Brazil come and talk to the children and do an art project and give a short Bible lesson. They came during the day, so we had some rearranging to do in the day and the children were a bit wild.

I have experienced my first tremble(small earthquake). It was last week during the night; we were all awake making guacamole and popcorn when the windows started rattling, and the floor shook, not huge, but it was noticeable. When you feel a tremor, you are supposed to get under a doorway. However, it was my first tremble I panicked and froze right below the lights. Thankfully it happened at home and not at school where I have to be brave and in control of 24 children.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Another update :-)

So much has happened since my last post. First of all, for a week and a half, I was on bed rest after hurting my knee at school. I found out that the small bones underneath my knee cap was broken and have to have surgery to fix it. I also found out that bed rest, and I do not like each other, by the third day I wanted to go to school although my supervisor knew me too well and told me I couldn't return until the doctor said it was OK.

Friday was our mother's day program and mother's day is a huge deal here in Lima. The children make crafts and put on a little program for their mothers and then they can go home as soon as they are done. We also had a special gathering for the mothers that are on staff at the school. <

Here in Lima the school systems run thru quarters, each school year is divided into 4 quarters, each quarter is 9 weeks and after the last week of school the school closes for a week except for after the second quarter where you have a 3 week break. It is nice to have a week in between quarters to get report cards and ready for the next quarter and to catch up on some sleep.

Enjoy :-)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Not what i had in mind but God is good!

So this week has not been a normal week for me. Monday was normal; I went to school and did everything normal. Throughout the day, I started to notice that my knee started to hurt, but I just ignored it and went right on with my activities. Tuesday morning as I was getting ready for school I noticed that my knee still was hurting, and a tad swollen. No big deal probably just strained it from picking up a child and having to kneel down a lot. Did not know anything was wrong, and went into school and started my day normal, however, by the afternoon my knee was hurting a lot, and I couldn't put pressure on it.

So Tuesday when the kids left, and I noticed my knee was still hurting I decided I could tough it out until 4:10 and then go back home and ice and take some Advil. After my lunch break, I was trying to find a good wireless connection to print off some papers. In the process, I knelt down to look at the process when something in my left knee popped and when it popped I fell backwards grabbing my knee and crying out in pain. Here in Lima you go to the doctor for everything even if it doesn't seem to be a big deal. The school nurse looked at my knee, by this time my knee and toes were swollen, and gave me some Panadol (Spanish for Tylenol) and ice pack. We were trying to figure out who would go with me since my Spanish is still in the beginner stage.

Finally, we made it to the Clinica(Spanish for hospital) and the doctor came in right away. In the states, you will be waiting for hours. Here in Lima I think we waited maybe 5 minutes. The doctor did some test and gave me some prescription and told me to go across the street to get x-ray. The doctor is sure that I damaged the cartilage in my knee, and he has ordered me to rest for 3-5 days.

This is not what I had planned especially since next week is report cards and I have to evaluate my students and next Friday is our mothers day program. But I keep on telling myself that God is good, and He knew his would happen and that this was part of His plan. In Bible, the kids are learning Psalm 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength a very present help in time of trouble." Who knew that I needed that verse this week.

As of today my knee is still throbbing with pain but it is now a tolerable pain, and I have changed from bed rest to couch rest to have a change of scenery. I still haven't gotten the results back from the x-ray but hopefully, today I will hear back from them.